Happy Chinese New Year!!! 🧧
We’ve had quite done in January 2021,
In January alone we announced new partnerships with Matic Network, a layer 2 blockchain solution for Ethereum.
We also added multi-chain support for Swirge, making Swirge the first decentralized social media platform to go multi-chain.
The second blockchain supported on Swirge apart from Binance Smart Chain is now Matic Network, users can easily choose which network to interact with.
We made some minor changes to our User interface, changed the appearance of our story section on the homepage, made some minor changes to the Swerve publishing box to make the layout more enticing to the end-user.
New trading pairs are now available on Julswap, namely; BNB / SWGb pair, and SWGb / BUSD pair.
We also launched Staking of BNB / SWGb SLP tokens on Julswap, we currently have over $103,000 TVL (at the moment of writing), you can stake BNB / SWGb SLP tokens on Julswap here: https://info.julswap.com.staking
And finally, we launched our New fiat NGN wallet integration on Swirge App that enables users to send and receive NGN with zero fees.
Fund your Swirge NGN wallet with your bank card, bank transfers, and coming soon stable coin funding method, with zero charges and withdraw straight to your bank account. All instant, fast, secure, and reliable.
We have a lot planned for Q1 2021, But this Article should help you catch up with what we are working on https://swirgenetwork.medium.com/coming-to-swirge-5139ebc2f155
With all this, I can certainly say we did start the year with a bang 💥
Signing up on Swirge is free, it totally cost nothing to get started. All you need is an internet-connected device and you are good to go.
Website Link: https://app.swirge.com/
Download on iOS/iPad: https://testflight.apple.com/join/8Wdqk2uH
Download on Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.swirgewave.app
Note: Swirge is currently in a Beta phase and all Swirge smart contracts are pending external security audits. But have been audited by the Swirge Team alone to be secure to use. For any Bug do not hesitate to report it here: https://bit.ly/swirge-bug-bounty We have a reward for you. Thank you.
Telegram: https://t.me/swirgepay
Twitter: https://twitter.com/swirgenetwork