We value being transparent to our community.
We want to update our community on a Large movement of $SWGb tokens from one of our developer holding address.
On the 10th of February 2021 7:21 AM UTC + 1, We swapped 2,000,000 $SWG from the ethereum blockchain to the Binance Smart Chain as $SWGb
Transaction hash: https://etherscan.io/tx/0xa915a984d53d4ec931d8b9ed0d814e3457ec730aad83ab95576cd7c3b281e20c
After the swap, we moved $150,000 worth of $SWGb at the price of 1SWGb = $0.09656 to PancakeSwap to set up the Syrup pool on PancakeSwap, which translates to 1,555,000 $SWGb moved to PancakeSwap.
Announcement: https://twitter.com/PancakeSwap/status/1359517870196101120?s=20
Transaction hash: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x81130674e9e0c51df3dab44bbff374e7ebdcd297c864323a8d20d483044c91a7
This places our overall circulating supply at approximately 6,000,000 SWG.
Total supply remains: 80,000,000 SWG
Swirge Token burn is scheduled to happen on March 2021, the exact date to be announced.
However, $SWG and $SWGb token buyback have commenced and over $22,000 (at the time of writing) worth of $SWGb have been bought back to be burned.
Address Holding Swirge Tokens to be burnt: https://bscscan.com/token/0xe40255c5d7fa7ceec5120408c78c787cecb4cfdb?a=0xfbD6d4ED430C8ad21FF487F183ADFE600e424cD2
We will always continue to publish a transparency report on the Swirge Token movement from the development team.
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Note: Swirge is currently in a Beta phase and all Swirge smart contracts are pending external security audits. But have been audited by the Swirge Team alone to be secure to use. For any Bug do not hesitate to report it here: https://bit.ly/swirge-bug-bounty We have a reward for you. Thank you.
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